Reception Centre and Community Shelter

Reception Centre and Community Shelter

The Reception Centre and the Community Shelter are organisational units of the Asylum Directorate, under the control of the Reception Facilities’ Supervisory Unit. The Asylum Directorate is headed by a Director at the level of Head of Department, who is substituted in refugee care cases by the Head of the Reception Facilities’ Supervisory Unit in case of the Director’s indisposition. The sites of the Reception Centres and Community Accomodations are managed by the site managers, who work in the Reception Facilities’ Supervisory Unit. The specialised professional duties of the reception centre shall be carried out under the professional supervision of the Asylum Directorate’s Reception Facilities’ Supervisory Unit. Operational tasks are carried out by the Reception Facilities’ Supervisory Unit.


The tasks and responsibilities of the Reception Centre and the Community Shelter shall include:

a) in accordance with the relevant legislation, providing accommodation and care for foreign nationals seeking their recognition, having been granted refugee, beneficiary of subsidiary, temporary protection or tolerated status;

b) fulfilling its duty to provide information as laid down by Hungarian legislation as well as data provision obligations stipulated by legislation and NDGAP regarding the beneficiaries;

c) ensure the rights of people being accommodated at the centre and keep records on them specified in the legislation in order to establish the entitlement to the required care and support;

d) ensure ordered and necessary conditions for the conduct of the official procedure, as determined by NDGAP;

e) cooperating with international organizations taking a role in refugee care, Hungarian state bodies, local governments, social organizations, churches, and, in order to fulfill the tasks defined in the legislation, with law enforcement agencies and professional services;

f) organising health screening and general medical care examination of the persons placed in the accommodation, as required by the health authorities;

g) organising the efficient spending of leisure time;

h) providing common premises, in particular for religious worship;

i) carrying out the tasks assigned to the reception centre in relation to programmes and measures to promote the integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection;

j) facilitating voluntary return or departure to third countries;

k) providing information to resolve the day-to-day problems of the persons accommodated, conducts life counseling and, to the extent necessary, promoting the participation of minors in public education, and carrying out its tasks in the field of child protection.


Refugees, beneficaries of subsidiary protection and tolerated status may stay in the reception facilities for a maximum of 30 days after recognition.


Open reception facilities are the Vámosszabadi Reception Centre and the Balassagyarmat Community Shelter.


Last edited: 2024.10.09. 07:31