Hungarian cultural knowledge exam
In case of
applications for a national residence card or an EU residence card submitted on
1 January 2025 and afterwards, the National Directorate-General for Aliens
Policing assesses meeting the conditions of social coexistence. Applicants are
required to pass Hungarian cultural knowledge exam.
Please note that
the legislation does not identify any
specific scope of persons who are exempt from taking the abovementioned
exam on the basis of any personal circumstances (age, origin, family ties, qualification,
etc.). Therefore please be advised to consider the submission of your
application accordingly.
The only exemption
from the obligation to take the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam shall be
granted to persons who have already passed the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam
in the context of another aliens policing procedure. Furthermore, the
conditions of social coexistence shall not be required to be met in case of an
application for a national residence card issued on grounds of national
When submitting an
application for a residence
card of
an EU residence card, factual proof that the applicant has succeeded in passing
the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam shall be the record report of the exam
provided to the applicant at the exam.
of their place of accommodation or place of residence in Hungary, clients shall
submit their application for the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam by completion of the separate application specifically designated to the
exam by the Organisatory Unit of the Legal and Coordination Department of the
Government Office of the Capital City of Budapest (‘a Budapest
Főváros Kormányhivatala Jogi és Koordinációs Főosztályának Szervezési Osztálya’; Government Office of the Capital City of Budapest is hereinafter
referred to as GOCCB) and submitting it to GOCCB or by sending it in via Post
Fee of the Hungarian
cultural knowledge exam is HUF 20.000 per a date. The amount of the fee shall
be paid via bank transfer to the bank account of GOCCB.
GOCCB will notify
the applicant of the date of the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam in writing
at the contact details provided during the application at least 15 working days
before the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam.
Please note that
only clients who have paid the exam fee to GOCCB and have completed the
application form in full will be notified of exam dates made available.
If the applicant
finishes the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam with the result “failed” three
times, his/her application for a new Hungarian cultural knowledge exam will be
In all cases, the Hungarian
cultural knowledge exam shall be taken in written form, in Hungarian language,
in Budapest.
The requirements
for the exam and the list of topics are set out in Annex 2:
1. National
symbols and holidays of Hungary (coat of arms, flag, crown, national anthems
(“Himnusz”, “Szózat”), and national holidays)
2. The most
important events in the history of Hungary (foundation of the state, 1848-1849
revolution and war of independence, Peace Treaty of Trianon, 1956 revolution,
change of the regime in 1990)
3. Important
figures in European and Hungarian literature and music history
4. Basic
institutions of the Fundamental Law (Parliament, President of the Republic,
5. Basic rights
and duties of citizens (freedoms, obligations of citizens and protection of
citizens' rights)
6. Europe and Hungary
in everyday life
information on the order of exam procedures, recipients of the bank transfer,
as well as exam dates, and other practical details shall be provided by GOCCB.
Information notice
on the Hungarian cultural knowledge exam, the application form, explanatory
notes and information material are available via: https://kormanyhivatalok.hu/kormanyhivatalok/budapest/megye/szervezet/jogi-es-koordinacios-foosztaly, under the information provision section of the
Organisatory Unit.
Documents compiled by the GOCCB are available via the
following link:
Explanatory notes and information material