Interim Residence Card

Interim Residence Card

1) Which third-country nationals are eligible to be granted an interim residence card?


An interim residence card may be issued to a third-country national, who holds an EU long-term residence permit issued on the basis of Council Directive 2003/109/EC and wishes to reside in Hungary for one of the following purposes:


  • ·for employment or business purposes (except seasonal employment), or
  • ·to pursue studies or vocational training, or
  • ·for other certified purposes.


The applicant's third-country family member or third-country national family member already holding an interim residence card or interim permanent residence permit may be issued with an interim residence card if the family relationship already existed in the Member State of the European Union which issued the EU long-term residence permit.


If one of the above conditions applies to you, you are eligible to be granted an interim residence card if

  • ·your accommodation and subsistence in the territory of Hungary are insured
  • ·you qualify as insured with respect to the full range of health services or you can cover the costs of your medical care, and
  • ·none of the following grounds for exclusion apply to you:

-          your permanent residence threatens the public or national security of Hungary,

-          you are subject to expulsion or exclusion from the territory of Hungary, or an SIS alert has been issued for you,

-           in order to obtain the card, you provided false information, an untrue fact, or deceived the acting authority;

-          you have a prior criminal record, and have not been exempted from the detrimental consequences related to it.


If a third-country national child is born on the territory of Hungary to a parent holding an interim residence card, an interim residence card is issued to the child after the birth has been reported.

Definition of third-country nationals:

  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons

qualify as third-country nationals.


A third-country national holding an interim residence card is entitled to stay in the territory of Hungary during the validity period of the card.


2) How can applications be submitted?


Application submission for the issuance and extension of an Interim residence card is available only via the platform of "Enter Hungary" that is available by clicking here. 


Please note that an application is to be submitted on the last day of your intended legal stay not exceeding 90 days, and at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the residence permit issued for a period exceeding 90 days.


An application submitted via the platform of "Enter Hungary" is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when your application is deemed to have been received.


3) Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.


4) What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?


Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures is in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of the application.


Documents in proof of the long- term purpose of residence


a)In case of employment or business activity:

  • ·a document on the registration number of the self-employed,
  • ·small-scale agricultural producer certificate,
  • ·a detailed declaration on the business activity,
  • ·a contract of agency, contractor or usage concluded as a private individual,
  • ·preliminary agreement on establishment of an employment relationship or a document on legal relationship of employment, or
  • ·other credible documents proving the business activity.


b) In case of studies or vocational training a certificate of admission from the relevant educational institution,

  • ·a document verifying student status,
  • ·other reliable means.


c) In case of residing for other reasons

  • ·documentary proof of the purpose of residence


d) In case of applying as a family member

  • ·a document proving the family relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate),
  • ·any other credible evidence.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary

One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that you have sufficient resources:

  • ·a certificate from a credit institution on savings under the applicant’s name,
  • ·a public document or private document of full probative value proving the existence of property, rights or assets in Hungary which provide subsistence,
  • ·document on regular income issued by the employer or the tax authority.
  • ·certificate of regular income from abroad, issued by a Hungarian credit institution
  • ·a notarised declaration by the applicant's family member living in Hungary, undertaking to provide for the maintenance and support of the applicant and a document certifying the ability of the person providing the support to do so,
  • ·other credible document.


Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant is the owner of a residential property suitable for habitation, or (s)he has legal title to use such a real estate:


  • ·a document in proof of ownership of the residential property,
  • ·a residential lease contract,
  • ·a notary recorded certificate by the applicant’s family member living in Hungary, declaring (s)he will provide for the applicant’s place of accommodation.


In case of application for the extension of an interim residence card, attaching/enclosing documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary and

documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary is not required, if the applicant declares that his/her subsistence and residence conditions have not changed since the previous application.


Documents proving that the applicant has health insurance


Documentary evidence must be submitted as proof that the applicant has access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or that (s)he can cover the costs of such services.

An applicant meets this condition in the following cases:

  • ·(s)he qualifies as a person with health insurance services under social security,
  • ·(s)he has access to the Hungarian health insurance services within the framework of an international convention/treaty or agreement,
  • ·(s)he can cover the costs of his/her healthcare services based on documents in proof of his/her means of subsistence available in Hungary.


Other required documents


  • ·facial photograph
  • ·a valid travel document,
  • ·a copy of the EC residence permit proving the long-term residence status,
  • ·an authentic document according to the personal right of the minor applicant stating that there is no legal obstacle to the minor third-country national's long-term residence.


5) Time period of procedural administration


Time period for procedural administration: 21 days.


A child of a third-country national with a right of long-term residence born in Hungary is eligible to be granted a national residence card out of turn, but at the latest within 5 days.


In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.


The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g., submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration. 


6) Receiving the residence permit document


A residence permit document shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.


Please note that receiving your document before NDGAP’s regional directorate in person is only allowed, if you prove that you are not in a position to receive the document at the address indicated as place of delivery in your application.


7) How long is the validity period of the permit?


Validity period of the document is maximised in 5 years, and it may be extended for another 5 years at your request.


The validity period of the family members interim residence card is the same as that of the third-country nationals interim residence card.


8) Further information


  • ·Notification of change of accommodation


If you hold an interim residence card, you must report the change of accommodation, which was declared in the procedure for its issuance, to the district office of the capital and county government office responsible for your new accommodation.

Changing your accommodation does not entail changing your residence card.

The notification of a change of accommodation is attested by an address card issued by the notary and must therefore be kept together with the residence card document and submitted for inspection to the authority empowered to do so.


  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 15 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance.


Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was taken,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


  • ·Withdrawal of an interim residence card


An interim residence card can be withdrawn, if

  • ·the concerned third-country national’s accommodation and subsistence in Hungary are no longer is available, or
  • ·the concerned third-country national does not qualify as a person having access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services and (s)he cannot cover the costs of such services by other means.


An interim residence card shall be withdrawn, if the concerned third-country national

  • ·has been expelled or an entry and residence ban has been issued against him/her, or
  • ·constitutes a threat to the public or national security of Hungary.


An interim residence card issued to a family member of a third-country national with reference to the third-country national is to be withdrawn, if

  • ·the interim permanent residence permit or the interim residence card of the the concerned third-country national has been withdrawn, or
  • ·the family relationship has been ceased, unless, after the death of the third-country national

-   accommodation and subsistence in Hungary is available to the family member, and

-   the family member qualifies as a person having access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or (s)he cannot cover the costs of such services by other means.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here.

Last edited: 2024.10.09. 07:31